Club Constitution

University of Notre Dame/Saint Mary’s College 

Sailing Club Constitution

Revised April 2020

Article I: Mission

1.     It is our aim to promote interest in the sport of sailing through lessons/practices and intercollegiate racing while enhancing the educational experience and reflecting the mission of our University. The Sailing Club shall provide opportunity for participation in organized recreational and competitive activities for all levels of experience and expertise.

Article II: Organization

1.     Regional Association: The ND/SMC Sailing Club is a regular member club of the Midwest Collegiate Sailing Association (MCSA) and will abide by all MCSA rules unless in conflict with ND policy, in which case ND policies will take precedent.

2.     National Association: The ND/SMC Sailing Club is a regular member club of the Intercollegiate Sailing Association (ISCA) and will abide by all ICSA rules unless in conflict with MCSA or ND policy, in which case ND policies will take precedent.

3.     Membership:

a. The Sailing Club is open to all full-time students at the University of Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s College. Membership will be as dues paying full (voting) members. ND/SMC faculty, staff, graduate students, and students of Holy Cross College may participate in the Club as dues paying associate (non-voting) members. All membership is dependent on eligibility per the Office of Recreational Sports (RecSports) “Membership Eligibility” policy outlined in the Club Sports Operations Manual: Membership is defined as attendance as 4 or more club sponsored events (meetings, practices, regattas, etc. though not including Activities Night or the Club Information Session) per semester.

b. As per ICSA policy, ND and Saint Mary’s students must compete separately in regattas.  Saint Mary’s Sailing Club is responsible for funding their travel to competitions as well as any other expense that may arise relating to a competition. 

4.     Dues: Dues are $100 for each semester for all club members. Dues must be given to the Treasurer or paid through RecRegister by November 1st for the fall semester and by March 1st for the spring semester. Dues will be required from all participants following attendance at 4 or more club-sponsored events or one regatta, whichever comes first. Participants who fail to pay dues will be suspended from club activities until payment is received.

  1. For Saint Mary’s members, dues are split between the teams. Students pay $100 per semester- $50 to Notre Dame and $50 to SMC. Dues to ND is for practice and use of equipment and gear. Dues to SMC goes to SMC club funds for competing. 

5.     Officers:

a. Commodore:  Responsible for oversight of all club activities; running club meetings; maintaining contact with RecSports, Club Sports, SAO, and the MCSA; scheduling regattas at Midwinters; and directing yearly elections of new officers.  Works with Vice Commodore and Treasurer in making travel arrangements for away regattas. Works with Captain to determine teams for regattas.

b. Vice Commodore:  Responsible for assisting the Commodore in club oversight and communication.  Stands in for Commodore in his/her absence. Works with Commodore and Treasurer in making travel arrangements for away regattas.  

c. Treasurer: Responsible for all team financials, including collection of dues, maintenance of the club budget, all club expenditures and expense reports, fundraising, and donations. Works closely with the Commodore in communications with RecSports and the filing of all necessary financial forms.  Responsible for checking out and returning the Club Credit Card when needed for traveling expenses.  Submits yearly budget and allocation requests to the Club Coordination Council. Works with Commodore and Vice Commodore in making travel arrangements.

d. Captain: Responsible for organizing and running all team practices and ensuring an officer is running the motor boat at all practices. Works with the Commodore to determine teams for regattas. 

e. Vice Captain: Responsible for assisting the Captain in organizing and running all team practices.

f. Commodore, Vice Commodore, and Treasurer must be Notre Dame students, however the role of Captain and Vice Captain may be filled by any club member.

6.    Chairpersons:

a. Equipment Chair: Responsible for maintenance of the fleet and other equipment including, but not limited to, the motor boat, marks, and anchors.  Works with the Treasurer to order new parts and handles replacement of parts as necessary.

b. Regatta Chair: Responsible for the planning and execution of any ND hosted regattas (Shamrock Scramble, Freshman Icebreaker, and Alumni Regatta), including inviting a PRO and chief judge, preparing all paperwork, and working with the Treasurer to order food.

c. Merchandise Chair: Responsible for communicating with University approved vendors to design and order all club apparel and merchandise, as well as for the pricing and sale of said items.

d. Publicity Chair: Responsible for the upkeep of club social media and website, advertisement of upcoming events, and recruitment at Activities Night. Works with the Alumni Relations Chair to coordinate Notre Dame Day platform.

e. Saint Mary’s Chair: Responsible for relations with Saint Mary’s College, including securing meal co-exchange passes for SMC students, appearing at the SMC activities fair, and assisting all SMC members.  

f. Alumni Relations Chair: Responsible for alumni outreach, including all updates and invitations, maintaining the alumni database as members graduate, and securing donations and following up with thank you notes. Works with the Publicity Chair to coordinate Notre Dame Day platform.

g. Board of Directors: Composed of past and present officers and chairpersons. They will remain on the Board for the remainder of their undergraduate career at ND or SMC and will be recognized at official meetings.

h. One chairperson should be in charge of organizing club service at a choice volunteer organization for the year. 

7.    Election and Appointment of Officers and Chairpersons:

a. At least half the officers must be current ND undergraduate students. This number will change as needed to be compatible with RecSports and SAO policy. A Notre Dame faculty or staff member who is on file with RecSports advises the club.

b. All officers and chairpersons will be elected through an email survey at the end of March, begin the transition into their role in April, and take full responsibility in the following academic year. This process will be facilitated by the Commodore.

c. Officers and chairpersons must be full members of the club and currently enrolled at either ND or SMC.

d. Any member may run for up to one officer position and one chairperson position, or up to two chairperson positions. Election of officers is secured by the majority vote of full members with a run-off between the top two candidates if necessary. Election of chairpersons is secured by majority vote of current officers.

8.    Impeachment of Officers and Chairpersons:

a. An officer deficient of his/her duties can be reviewed and removed by a formal vote. A full member must first present substantial grounds to the officers before the impeachment process can begin. An officer’s vote of two-thirds majority taken only after the situation has been addressed and reviewed by the officers and the Board of Directors is required for removal from office. In grave situations requiring proper action, the Club reserves the right to file a report with RecSports, SAO, and police should the situation warrant.

9.    Advisor:

a. The Advisor will be chosen from the full-time faculty and staff at ND and must secure the majority of voting full members. He or she will have an ex officio membership and is denied voting privilege. His or her duties are:

i. Review team budget and sign forms required by SAO, RecSports, or any other necessary paperwork.

b. Impeachment of the Advisor can occur with substantial grounds presented by current officers or Board of Directors and following an officers vote of two-thirds majority, taken only after the situation has been addressed and reviewed by officers and the Board of Directors. In grave situations requiring proper action, the Club reserves the right to file a report with RecSports, SAO, and police should the situation warrant.

10.    Meetings:

a. Regular meetings will be set each semester at a time scheduled by the Commodore and will be announced via email.

b. Special meetings can be called at the discretion of the officers and will be announced via email.

c. Officers are obligated to attend all meetings, while members will have voluntary attendance. Quorum will be attendance of all officers.

11.    Disbursement of Funds:

a. Club officers and the Board will review all expenditures. The Treasurer will submit written budgets at the beginning of each semester and they will be reviewed at the close of each semester with the aid of the Commodore and the Captain. In the case of large expenditures (over $1,000), a vote will take place of all officers.

b. All financial transactions of the Club will be managed through the University of Notre Dame’s accounting system, as stipulated by the Student Union Treasurer’s Office.

Article III: Amendments to the Constitution

1.     Any proposed changes or amendments would be submitted to the officers, Board of Directors, and Advisor for review. An officer vote will take place and a two-thirds majority is necessary for an amendment to pass. All approved changes and amendments will then be submitted to the Student Activities Office and RecSports.

2.     To reflect the ever-changing environment of the ND/SMC Sailing Team and the Policies of SAO and RecSports, the Club Constitution must be thoroughly reviewed and (if necessary) revised by the officers and Board of Directors at least once every three years.

Revised April 2020